Preparing for your new Kitten
What you need to know...
Supplies to have ready for arrival...
-Litter Box / Litter Robot
-Water and Food Dishes / Fountain
-Cat Tree
-Dry Food
-Wet Food
-Grooming Supplies
-Cat Litter
Lets chat a wee bit about each of the above...
Lets talk LITTER BOXES... You can keep this simple with a large open style little box like this one...
And this scooper is wonderful...
Keep in mind Ragdolls (and many cat breeds) are finicky... you will want to keep your litter box scooped consistently. :-)
Now for our Favorite!!! ...if scooping either isn't your favorite thing to do OR you just have a busy lifestyle, I am going to share our FAVORITE thing ever for our Ragdoll babies!!! The Litter Robot!!! Oh my word... best invention ever!!!! No scooping EVER... immediately rotates and cleans EVERY single time the litter box is used!!! I can NOT say enough about this... best investment we may have made for our babies as of yet!!! We love this SO much that we contacted the company about referring our families and yes, they have a program... through this link they will offer you a $25.00 discount! Browse and watch the videos... they really are as awesome as they seem! :-) Here is that discount link...
Lets talk DISHES... they really DO matter! Please use ceramic or stainless steel only... some plastics although cute can cause rash ect. We recommend keeping it simple as these...
Another option for water is a fountain! Kittens absolutely LOVE fountains... they tend to hydrate more often as the fountain promotes drinking, water is always clean and filtered. Again, ceramic or stainless steel as this one...
Lets talk BEDS, CAT TREES & TOYS...
They love them all!!! I'm going to link a few of our favorites for you...
There are so so many... they love them all! I shared these simple springs that seem to always win as favorite toy hands down!
Lets Talk DRY FOOD... This will be your main staple, we choose to always have dry food available for our babies at all times. We have tested and tweaked and tried many many foods on the market today and we have landed here...why? Our reasons are as follows... Number one, this company has NEVER ever had a recall!!! This is a very big deal to us! This food is made not only right here in the US, but right here in Ohio in small controlled batches! There is so much detail to add here... please follow this link to read all about the awesome ingredients... even probiotics are included! We just so LOVE this food for our kittens and Adults alike! NOTE... To be transparent... If you order through our link we DO receive a small commission which just of course gets reinvested into our/your babies!
Lets talk WET FOOD... Once a day your baby will happily enjoy a wee bit of wet food, we also recommend Lifes Abundance for this, mix it up, they love both choices! You can find those here...
Lets talk TREATS... Lifes Abundance freeze dried treats are the favorite... they do carry a dry treat BUT freeze dried wins! Find that here... Also another favorite dry treat here in our home is...
Lets Talk SUPPLEMENTS... Our main and most highly recommended supplement is our NuVet Vitamins... which has its own tab of info here on our site and is also gone over in our kitten contract/ Health guarantee... please be sure to read and include this!
Next we highly recommend Fish Oil also from Lifes Abundance...
We also like to add Colloidal Silver to drinking water at times, a wee bit of a plain homemade Keifer treat at times... and a bit of coconut oil on occasion atop food. :-)
Lets Talk GROOMING... Your Ragdoll baby WILL require brushing! It is true that their coats are not super high maintenance BUT brushing daily is still a great idea and they LOVE to be brushed!!! Keep it simple... something like this will do perfectly...
And bathing... YES, we do bathe our babies regularly... if done regularly they become accustomed to bathing and cooperate well normally... if not bathed regularly it can be a bit more challenging! :-) Recommended Shampoo ​
Nail trims... Our favorite clippers are for newborn (human) babies... great grip and work wonderfully! Find those here...
Lets Talk CAT LITTER... Hands down... and we've tried just about all I think! Worlds Best is the brand you will want! A naturally safe litter made from whole-kernel corn that offers no harmful chemicals and no artificial perfumes... and IT WORKS!!! You can find the type we reccomend here...
We hope this list will help you greatly in preparing for your new baby! Keep on the watch as we will keep this updated and you never know when we might fall in love with something for our babies that we just HAVE to share with you!!! ♥ Blessings!